Presentation of INNOVEXPO at the 2019 Excite Conference
INNOVEXPO has successfully been presented at the annual international conference of the European Network of
INNOVEXPO has successfully been presented at the annual international conference of the European Network of
With great pleasure, INNOVEXPO was presented at the 25th General Conference of the International Council
Dr. Efterpi Koskeridou
Geologist-Paleontologist, Professor of the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment NKUA
E ekosker@geol.uoa.gr
T +30 210 7274165
A Panepistimioupolis,
NKUA – Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, 15784 Athens
Ilias Papadopoulos
Architectural Engineer, CEO
E info@tetragon.gr
Τ +30 2310 861460
A 2Β, Karaiskaki street
54641 Thessaloniki