The main objective of INNOVEXPO is to develop innovative applications that incorporate scientifically documented content, and their original interconnection methodology, for the enrichment and presentation of interactive exhibitions.

In this context the following are implemented:

Innovative technological applications, which serve as expressive and conceptual tools, for the design of modern museographic practices.
Scientific research and its connection to the creative industry for the development of multiple levels of interpretation, documentation and content acquisition.
Development of an original interconnection methodology for all of the above, in order to form a complex network of experiential, cognitive, sensory and aesthetic experiences.

This complex project will serve as the key infrastructure-model for the interactive presentation of exhibitions, contributing to the promotion and dissemination of multidimensional cultural, tourism, and other thematic areas. Nevertheless, it will be characterized by its easy transport and its flexible adaptation, depending on the needs of the space and the specifications of the museographic study.

As a complete solution, INNOVEXPO is aimed at museums, cultural centers, tourism organizations, as well as productive and business organizations in the Greek and international world, who create or host exhibitions or are interested in promoting their collections or activities.